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آیا می دانید اولین آزمایش برای کنترل وضعیت دستگاه شات بلاست شما چیست؟
همانطور که می دانید اولین قدم برای کنترل وضعیت سلامتی شما آزمایش فشار خون است. ولی اولین قدم برای کنترل وضعیت چرخ ها در دستگاه شات بلاست شما چیست؟
بله ،خواندن عدد آمپرمتر توربینهای دستگاه شات بلاست...
با خواندن مقدار آمپرمتر:
می توانید راندمان توربینهای دستگاه خود را محاسبه کنید.
متوجه می شوید که ساینده فولادی کافی به توربینها وارد میشود یا خیر؟
متوجه می شوید که یک نقص احتمالی در دستگاه وجود دارد و باید سعی کنید مشکلات را یافته وبرطرف کنید.
اما چگونه باید آمپرمتر را بررسی کنید؟
برای پاسخ به این سوال کتاب مبانی ساچمه زنی را مطالعه کنید یا با ما تماس بگیرید .
As you know The First Step to controlling the Condition Of your health is a Blood pressure test,
What is the First Step to controlling the Condition of the Wheels in your shot blasting machine?
That is Ammeter Control…
But how you should check the ammeter? Follow these instructions…
Please go to your production line, near your shot blasting machine, and read three numbers, then you can calculate the efficiency of your wheels.
As you know, there is a definite ampere value to be drawn for each wheel motor under full load and empty conditions. So:
1-Read the current under full loads of motors from the plates on them.
2-Read current under empty loads of motors from the ammeter before Abrasive feed the wheels.
3-Read the Current ampere from the ammeter after Abrasive feeds the wheels.
4-now calculate the efficiency of your wheels by this formula:
Electrical motors are designed for working under full load and should run in most productive way.
If they do not work under full load, According to high or low value read from ammeter, you realize that enough steel shot is not flowing to wheels and there is a problem in your shot blasting machine. So other adjustments should be done
Let’s consider a 15 HP (11 kW) motor working at 15 ampere. By using above motor plate image we see that currency of this motor under full load is IMAX= 20.8 Amp and under empty conditions, when there is no steel shot flow in the wheel, Io= 5 amp. Now by using efficiency formula:
Utilization of 1 amp less current during shot blasting means 12 kg less steel shot propelling per minute. If we continue with our example, 5.8 X 12 = 69.6 kg less steel shot is propelled. If that motor runs under full load, 249.6 kg steel shot would be thrown in a minute.
As it can be seen by this example, if enough steel shot is not flowing to wheels; utilization of high
Quality steel shots do not make any sense.
Review Again And Let Know How Efficient Your Wheels Are.